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Suggestions for Gates, Buffett and Turner – Home Insulation Edition

Charity School, Edmontonphoto © 2006 Fin Fahey | more info (via: Wylio)On Sunday I watched Christianne Amanpour’s interview with Bill & Melinda Gates, Warren Buffett and Ted Turner on This Week on Sunday.  All three espoused some form of SpiderMan conservatism.   The only interesting thing that emerged from the interview was that the Gates Foundation funds experimental work in American public schools.

Why?  The rest of the Gates Foundation work seems to be devoted (from what I have heard anyway) to creating one-time, permanent fixes to problems that they can “just do” with no permission from regulators, which is what I have always liked about that foundation.  To attempt to make any changes to public education would seem to involve a long fight with a deeply commited vested interest and a range of lobbyists for a limited reward at best.

That got me thinking of permanent, one-time improvements the foundation could make without coming into contact with vested interests and their lobbyists.  Here is one idea:

Home insulation – The Gates Foundation could sponsor their own research and improve spray foam insulation until it

  • has double to the R-Value per inch (up to R-14) of existing spray foam
  • has half the cost of the cheapest insulating competitor per cubic foot
  • is simple enough so that the average DIYer could resinsulate in a weekend
  • could be sold at  at Home Depot or Lowes, and WalMart.

Once those goals have been met they could open source the patents and let the commoditization begin!  America is horribly under-insulated, and making an R-100 easy to do would result in a permanent, one-time fix to America’s housing stock that would dramatically reduce residential energy consumption.  It would also disproportionally help the lower-income who tend to live in under-insulated houses.

Having said all this I do realize that insulating is not that difficult, nor that expensive, but it is perceived that way by the general public, and if you could reduce the payoff period to less than a year that would surely improve matters.

What do you think, what would you do if you had 50 million to spend and the improvement had to be:

  1. Permanent
  2. One-time (no recurring maintenance or anything)
  3. Mass-Market
  4. Physical, not virtual

Thoughts anyone?  Please leave them in the comments.


This post originally appeared on the Stronico blog – with the absorption of Stronico into Digital Tool Factory this post has been moved to the Digital Tool Factory blog

Nov 10

Written By Steve French


Free Biz Idea – profile people via their online content

Epic Profilephoto © 2009 Jac Culler | more info (via: Wylio)I recently thought of an online profiling service for sales people and business development people.  To use the service, a client enters the FaceBook Profile URL/Name/Email/Twitter/Blog Account/LinkedIn profile of a sales prospect into the service.  The service then spiders that person’s user-generated online content and draw psychological profiles based on word choice, photo to word density, passive vs active sentence use, number of adverbs per sentence, sentence length, and so on.

Once the service finished gathering the data the client would proceed with their sales and development duties as normal, while taking notes and measuring their success so the service could create and refine the algorithm.  Do people who write in the passive voice decide faster than those who write in the active voice?  If you post a lot of photos do you reject everything at first, but then comply with further requests?  Do people who have long LinkedIn profiles like new products, or an established products?

The service would aggregate the data to draw useful information, and I’m sure people would object on privacy grounds, but this service would improve the sales profiling and qualification process.  After all, user-generated content was generated by the user, so there must be some useful data to be gathered from it.

Thoughts anyone?  I might work this idea into Stronico at some point, but not in the next year or more.  I would use this service now if I could.


This post originally appeared on the Stronico blog – with the absorption of Stronico into Digital Tool Factory this post has been moved to the Digital Tool Factory blog

Nov 10

Written By Steve French


Semantic improvements for news coverage that should be in the html 5 spec

With all of the recent political news stories I thought it would be useful to filter out the wheat from the chaff, and what better way to do that than by introducing new tags to refine the semantics of the news?   Surely these are as important as H1, Strong and EM tags for news stories.

I propose that all news stories use the following tags:

  • Factual
  • Conceptual
  • Expert Prediction
  • Expert Speculation
  • Implicit Prediction
  • ImplicitAnalysis

For example, the following paragraph

The unemployment rate hit 9.3 last month as factories laid off 40,000 workers.   This news is expected to hurt incumbents in the mid term elections.   Economist Rollo Tomasi of the University of North Dakota predicted that unemployment would stabilize at 9.4% before falling to 7.2 next year.  He also said that weak seasonal demand is to blame for the slump.

There is only one bit of real news (defined as an event)  in the above paragraph, namely that factories laid off 40,000 workers last month.  Here is how the story would actually look if it were properly marked up with the new tags

<conceptual>The unemployment rate hit 9.3 last month</conceptual> <factual>as factories laid off 40,000 workers</factual>.   <ImplicitPrediction><ImplicitAnalysis>This news is expected to hurt incumbents in the mid term elections.</ImplicitAnalysis></ImplicitPrediction>   <ExpertPrediction>Economist Rollo Tomasi of the University of North Dakota predicted that unemployment would stabilize at 9.4% before falling to 7.2 next year.</ExpertPrediction>  <ExpertSpeculation>He also said that weak seasonal demand is to blame for the slump.</ExpertSpeculation>

With these tags we could filter out all of the non-news (predictions, speculations, analysis) or fine tune the level of detail to our heart’s desire.

What tags have I missed?  Thoughts anyone?  Please leave feedback in the comments below.


This post originally appeared on the Stronico blog – with the absorption of Stronico into Digital Tool Factory this post has been moved to the Digital Tool Factory blog

Nov 10

Written By Steve French


New Business notion – A cognitive bias counselor

IdeaLately my reading has been about cognitive biases in decision making and I had the thought that most good advice tells you what you already know, just in a form shorn  of anchoring effects, survivorship bias, and so on.  Sometimes it’s easier to remove the mote in thy neighbor’s eye than the beam in your own. Continue reading →

Aug 10

Written By Steve French


A workable secret society web application – Brain Trust

These are a few of my favourite things

I wrote about my desire to form a secret society several months ago and so far have found no suitable web application to help me do that. IMind seems to be the closest complete solution but it seems too jumbled to accomplish much (I’m judging them purely from their website, I have not tried the product.)  Recently I came across and I think it supply the collaboration tools needed for a workable secret society.  I’ve signed up for their free version and I’ll let everyone know how it goes.

Creative Commons License photo credit: conorwithonen


This post originally appeared on the Stronico blog – with the absorption of Stronico into Digital Tool Factory this post has been moved to the Digital Tool Factory blog

May 10

Written By Steve French


Free Business Idea – Right Wing Vitamins and Organic Foods

Object 4The Left Wing Temperament –

  • Idealizes: caring, tolerance and balance
  • Prone To: Hugging

The Right Wing Temperament –

  • Idealizes: Cleanliness, organization and order
  • Prone To: Personal space

There are many political overtones and exceptions to the above sweeping characterizations, but in terms of temperament they are true (just trust me on that).

You’ve probably noticed that vitamins, natural/organic foods, and homeopathy are marketed almost exclusively to the left wing temperament and almost never to the right wing temperament.  That neglect means that there is a market opportunity to seize the right leaning side of the population.  After all, if smut on the airwaves angers someone, why should preservatives in their steak get a free pass?   If the complexity of the tax code angers them, why would the jumbled supply chain of mega farms be any different? Continue reading →

Mar 10

Written By Steve French


Seek and ye shall find, Mastermind Groups anyway

My first idea for a free business was an online helper for a secret society.  Then I come across the notion of the “Mastermind Group”, which apparently is the polite name for such a thing.    The I come across IMind Live, which purports to be such a thing.  The site seems to be a jumbled mess so I’m not sure of the quality of it.   It’s good that it is out there though.  Anyone have any opinions.


This post originally appeared on the Stronico blog – with the absorption of Stronico into Digital Tool Factory this post has been moved to the Digital Tool Factory blog

Mar 10

Written By Steve French


Free Idea #2 – Homemaker Incorporated

As my domestic status has changed over the past year, this idea no longer would applies to me, but here is another business idea I would have paid for.

Home Maker Inc – A service that would mimic many of the offerings of the good homemaker, solely in the care and maintenance of the home and retirement planning.  There would be no actual in-person services rendered by the Homemaker Inc (heretoafter called HMI) just financial  and long-term home matters.  The business would largely be by mail, phone, and internet.  The retirement and financial planning would be largely limited to enforcing Ramit Sethi’s I will Teach You To Be Rich book (which covers about 80% of what you need).

The home maintenance would consist of:

  • Paying all utility bills (though the customer’s account), and notifying them of any deals (like on natural gas or the like) that come around.  The customer would be given a monthly statement of the expenses.
  • HMI would hold all warranties in a central and findable location, and handle all home repair services.  HMI would also hold all insurance policies.
  • HMI would schedule and arrange all home maintenance tasks (like annual servicing of appliances) that never actually get done.

That way the house could be maintained at limited expense, and things would actually get done.  Just a thought.


This post originally appeared on the Stronico blog – with the absorption of Stronico into Digital Tool Factory this post has been moved to the Digital Tool Factory blog

Mar 10

Written By Steve French


Free Idea #1 – form and maintain a secret society online

absinthe rigI’ve always wanted to join a secret society.  Membership in an organization like minded people of diverse backgrounds (key features of any worthwhile group in my opinion) devoted to some specific purpose could be quite handy to belong to have.  The “secret” angle of everything is in place to keep it small, and exclusive, which is the key to getting (and keeping) good members.  A small group can also stay focused over time.  It’s a matter of quality control rather than criminality. Continue reading →

Feb 10

Written By Steve French


The start of the Free Ideas feature

I think of way too many ideas for my own good, far more ideas than I have time.  I have committed to the Stronico idea as my start up venture, but I’m going to post new ideas for companies and products here, under the “Free Ideas” category for others to use, or me to come back to in several years.  Expect the first one to follow.

As an addendum, please read the seminal Derek Sivers blog post –Ideas are just a multiplier of execution.  The first business idea will follow soon.

Addendum – one requirement of all of these ideas is that I would buy them if I had they did exist at a reasonable price.


This post originally appeared on the Stronico blog – with the absorption of Stronico into Digital Tool Factory this post has been moved to the Digital Tool Factory blog

Feb 10

Written By Steve French


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