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How to fix updating problems in your Silverlight application

The Problem: You make changes to your Silverlight Application, but you do not see it reflected when you debug or run the solution.2cv_phil_repair_small

The Cause: While the web project portion of the solution is being compiled and run, the Silverlight project is not being built.  This just happened to me recently.  Visual Studio crashed and somehow the Silverlight project portion of the solution decided to remove itself from the build list.

The Solution: Right-Click on the solution, then select “Configuration manager”.  Make sure that the “Build” checkbox is selected for both projects.  That’s it!

Creative Commons License photo credit: Mooganic


This post originally appeared on the Stronico blog – with the absorption of Stronico into Digital Tool Factory this post has been moved to the Digital Tool Factory blog

Mar 10

Written By Steve French


How to fix the Microsoft.Web.Administration.dll problem

The Problem: While coding away on the Stronico signup process I came across a problem with creating a reference to the Microsoft.Web.Administration dll, namely it was not present as a reference.  No problem, I added the dll manually via Visual Studio (it is in the %WinDir%System32InetSrv directory), yet once that was done I could not reference the dll.

The Cause: The dll must be marked as “Copy Local – True” and “Specific Version – True”.

The Solution: Mark the two options as true in the properties and the problem will go away.  It’s always the stupid errors that cause the most problems.  One of the purposes of blogging these errors is to  reduce their frequency.


This post originally appeared on the Stronico blog – with the absorption of Stronico into Digital Tool Factory this post has been moved to the Digital Tool Factory blog

Jan 10

Written By Steve French


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