Make Sure to Claim Your About.Me Page Make Sure to Claim Your About.Me Page

Make Sure to Claim Your About.Me Page

A new service has arisen lately that claims to be a yellow pages for people on the internet.  A page that is about, well… me.  Unlike all previous efforts to create such a thing, About.Me might actually work.  You can see my profile here.

It differs from Facebook in that About.Me is a public site, so it would be a good idea to claim your name while you can before it gets highjacked by the evildoers of the internet.  It’s a free service, and it is probably the best thing you can do to protect your “personal brand”, i.e. the thing that people find when they Google you

Claim Your About.Me page now.

Digital Tool Factory is in no way affiliated with About.Me, and we get nothing from advocating their service.  Many clients have asked us about it lately so we thought we would make it part of the newsletter.


Written By Steve French


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